An Idiot Nation's Idiotic Habbits
Published on May 30, 2004 By J Hayes In Current Events
Initially was going to write this has the final piece in my Idiot Nation series about Religion, but there’s so many more things I need to discuss, but we’ll get right into Religion first!

Let’s face it, the reason we are having all of these problems and getting attacked is because of Religion, the extremist to be more precise. The reason that Gay Marriage is even an issue is because of Bush’s Religious beliefs. Being a straight rational thinker without religious prejudice, I don’t give a shit about gay marriage either way, except for if he is able to make it illegal, what’s next? Are we going make the 10 Commandments Law? If so what version?

I know religion has done good for some people, it’s helped them get to a good place in there lives, but it has corrupted and ruined many more. Personally, I am not going to believe in it until God or Jesus or whoever the “real” man in the sky is comes and tells me otherwise. With all of the different versions of the Bible and the countless other Religions out there, how can anyone say any of them are right? I can’t tell you because I don’t know. And you know what, Neither does any other Soul on this planet. Not ONE. And noone ever has. Some pretend to, some say they do. They don’t. And please notice the period at the end of the last sentence. I am a spiritual person, but in no way a religious one. God doesn’t write books kids. He never has.

For those of you that read my article "A Familiar Story", I'd like you to now look at the news headlines and all of the Al Queda Warning out there now. There are now 18,000 + Active Members and they plan an attack on U.S. US. Again. My little prophecy is coming true, and I can't say that I'm happy about it.

So while Bush has been sending troops to take pictures of Iraqis jerking off, Bin Laden and crew have gotten much stronger because of it. And there will be another attack and it won’t be prevented. It’ll probably kill thousands or more, maybe much, much more. I say that because it has become painfully clear our government doesn’t know what the fuck it’s doing. They tell us what we want to hear and make it seem like we are safer, when we are in no way.

And who’s fault is this? The American People. Ours. For being stupid and not doing what we need to to make things right. I won’t blame the people for George Bush, he wasn’t elected. I can blame the people for being stupid sheep and letting him get away with has much shit has he has and will continue to do unless he keeps fucking up on such a massive level that he can’t bullshit his way out of it by using fear and calling anyone who says he’s wrong anti-American. I am disgusted at the level of bullshit we have taken from this Regime. But I got a feeling we’ll keep on taking it.

I am not one of these people that thinks things used to be better. They have always been just has shitty, only in different ways. “All Men Are Created Equal” was written by slave owners. And now that we are just finally starting to almost live up to that quote, we now have all kinds of laws that protect us from ourselves. There are 14,000 Police out there who’s only job for the next month is making sure YOU have on YOUR seat belt. And it’s to save lives. Bullshit! It’s so they can pull people over for $25 dollars a pop and get the state and government more money. The want to saves lives? Make driving illegal. No more cars = no more car accidents, no more drunk drivers, no more people not wearing there fucking seat belts. Let’s look at cigarettes. They want to save lives by taxing the shit out of them. So let’s just raise the prices of the things so the addicts will be like “Whew! 3 Dollars a pack”. That’s all it does folks. You think an addict is going to quit just because it’s more expensive? Fuck No, that’s why it’s called addiction. All taxing smokes does is help the government profit off of the addiction. Sure some of that money goes to those stupid fucking commercials trying to get people to quit. And a whole lot of good they do (make the jerk off motion with your hand after reading the previous sentence for full effect).

If the government really wanted to help people quit smoking, they would take all of that tax money and us it to send people things like smoke away or something like that for free. But if they did that, then people might actually quit smoking, and then all the tax dollars from the Tobacco companies wouldn’t be coming in anymore. Can’t have that! They’ll just make stupid TV Commercials to annoy the piss out of us instead.

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