Fuck Hypocrites!
Published on November 11, 2004 By J Hayes In Current Events
It’s amazing how the term “Media Bias” gets thrown around, especially know in “war time”. Cruising the internet for news, I decided to check out msnbc.com and stumbled upon Joe Scarborough’s page. I will share with you some of the bullshit that I came across. I had to apologize to my eyes for forcing them to look at it and my brain for putting it at risk of being a little dumber after reading it.

A nasty streak of religious intolerance is rearing its ugly head in America. And it's coming from America's cultural elites.
The election of George W. Bush has exposed an ugly anti-Christian streak in many of those who work in America's most powerful newsrooms. A flood of vicious opinion pieces over the past few days have generalized Christians who helped elect the President as a group of knuckle dragging neandrethals whose aims are nothing less than anti-American

I haven’t personally witnessed this ugly anti-Christian streak myself, but if it does indeed exist, it’s deserved. “Moral Values” being one of the major things that helped George W. Bush get re-elected. And when I say “Moral Values” I mean “Christian Values”. The exact same thing can be said of the media and every person that voted for Bush and used that has a reasoning behind it.

The separation of church and state is a great novelty. It gives the false sense of comfort that religion won’t be forced on you. But it will, and is. A prime example of this is the absolutely stupid, pointless, hateful, and complete waste of time that has been the “issue” of gay marriage. Being a heterosexual male, I really don’t give a shit about this. Common sense and human decency tell me that it’s none of my business what people other than me do in private, and if they love each other there should be nothing stopping them from being able a legally recognized couple. But the majority of the ever righteous Christians don’t fell that way. That is why in all 11 states that gay marriage was an issue it was voted against.This issue in and of itself is exactly why the Christian’s deserve people speaking out against them.

So how is Georgie going to find a way to force his religious beliefs on gays and stop them from getting married? The same way he got us into Iraq of course, bullshit rhetoric that’s how! In this particular case it’s “saving the sanctity of marriage”.

Definition of sanctity according to Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary:
1. The state or quality of being sacred or holy; holiness; saintliness; moral purity; godliness.
2. Sacredness; solemnity; inviolability; religious binding force
3. A saint or holy being.

Has I said earlier, I don’t give a shit about the issue of gay marriage itself. Why I do care about it is because of the Christian’s Anti-Everyone that doesn’t believe in what we believe streak. The majority of this Country are Christians, yes, and I don’t have a problem with people that believe in fairy tales. I do have a problem when they try to force it on people that don’t.

Joe Scarborough has the audacity to say “A nasty streak of religious intolerance is rearing its ugly head in America. And it's coming from America's cultural elites”. The religious intolerance is happening because of Religion’s intolerance to everybody else! Then he has the nerve to say it’s coming from America’s cultural elites! You are a cultural elite you hypocritical piece of shit!

most distressing is the fact that these opinion leaders are singling out a group of Americans for no other reason than the God they worship.”

Well, MAYBE if they didn’t try to force that God on everybody else, kept there religion to themselves and didn’t pass laws based on the old book they believe in and expect people that don’t believe in that book to follow them, that wouldn’t be a problem.

To paint all Republican Christians as angry, hate-filled, science-loathing, right-wing beasts only helps explain why the Mainstream Media continues to lose market share and why those Democrats who take solace in their bigoted anti-Christian screeds remain out of power for another four years.”

You are right, that’s why Democrats lost. But Democrats didn’t try and force there religion on the people that don’t believe in it.

It leads me to wonder, can we only be good Americans if we turn our backs on our faith, or become champions of abortion on demand, stem cell research without reservation, and marriage defined in a way that conflicts with the spiritual beliefs of a majority of Americans?”

Let me answer that for you Joey. No, you can be a good American and still have faith. But I’m gonna have to ask you all to add a few more moral values to your list; tolerance, acceptance, and respect. Accept, tolerate, and/or respect (preferably all three) people that are different than you and don’t believe in what you believe in, even if they aren’t the majority of Americans.
The Christian right are destroying this country by forcing there beliefs on people rather it be through gay marriage, stem cell research, abortion or whatever is next on the target lists of taking away freedom in the name of religion. Religious beliefs are personal, not public. YOU believe in something, great. Don’t go forcing your beliefs on me or anybody else.

Isn't it interesting that when pluralism and diversity of thought become politically inconvenient, it is the cultural and media elites who become the most close-minded and bigoted?”

Stop looking in the mirror while your writing this stuff.

on Nov 11, 2004

the democrats didnt lose this election because of hate-filled anti-christian screeds or anything similar.  it wasnt til 'moral values' suddenly popped up in exit polls across the country that the apparent became obvious.  it wasnt a secret there were 11 states fielding defense of marriage amendments; the kerry campaign was too focused on what it believed to be the 'real' election, too distracted by its attempt to outmaneuver the diversionary swiftboat attacks and too determined to score big in the debates to pay them sufficient attention.  it was a good ol fashioned sandbagging.

someone coldcocks you, chances are youre gonna be disoriented for a bit and easily provoked into striking out blindly if the attack continues. and youll get angry when you can least afford it. they anticipated that reaction and are encouraging it by reversing roles and logic a full 180 thru-the-looking-glass degrees to proclaim themselves victims of a rage-crazed mob of pagans. blind to its own failures and determined to avenge itself at god's expense by disenfranchising and persecuting his people.

as long as their guys accept that nonsense, theyve got power.  if the democrats buy into it as well, theyve got even more power.  to stop bleeding power, democrats need to wise up, stop listening to the doubletalk--much less validating it by attempting to reason the unreasonable--and begin taking a very close look at the network the religous right has been assembling inside the republican party on a state by state basis for the past 25 years.  until they know what theyre dealing with, the democrats cant afford anger or any other indulgence/distration unless ya wanna wake up 10 years from now as a newly baptized soulizen of the world's newest theocracy.

on Nov 14, 2004
Even in my short life, the ebb and flow of things political has been readily apparent. While I am a Republican, I'm clearly a moderate one who values tolerance and respect above other "moral values" and has no use for proselityzers or religious bigots who would dictate (or want to know) my private behavior. I have no doubt that hubris, just as it has been the Dems' downfall, will be the downfall of the current Republican majority. Acting like you own the high ground eventually catches up to you. The media are just as clueless in this as they always are, taking a single exit-poll question and making something of the results that isn't necessarily there, providing positive feedback to some politicians inclined to lean that way anyway, who then latch on to it as if it was gospel. Pardon the pun.

Some of you who are seething with anger about things that are feared but haven't even happened yet need to take a deep breath. I strongly suspect that moderates like me far outnumber the zealots you fear. We will have abandoned the Republican Party long before you, or anyone else, is forced to become a "newly baptized soulizen of the world's newest theocracy" (kingbee can have a way with words at times). We might even have abandoned it this past election if we'd had an alternative named anything other than Bush Sucks (or Al, or Hillary, or Howard, or... well, you get the idea).
