Today I'm going to talk a little about Juggalos. For those unfamiliar with this group, I'll fill you in on who and what they are. They are fans of the Insane Clown Posse (ICP), Most of you will know these guys from Eminem's diss on his second album. Anyhow, The Juggalos are fans of ICP and Psychopathic Records. At least that's what it started out has. Then has time went on, Records sales plummetted because the music started to suck. They came up with a new Gimmick. "Juggalo Family".
Here's how that gimmick works: The fanbase consists of mostly depressed anti-social fat fucks from the ages of 13-19 that don't fit in with any cliq and generally have a little goth in them. With that in mind, Whenever ICP or any other Psychopathic artists were about to put out a new record, they would say things like "All the real down ass juggalos are gonna love this. You you don't, then you just must not be down anymore". Then the fanbase would go "Oh shit, Oh god, This album is gonna be great, I can't wait. Violent J told me his album is great! Nevermind the logic that any artist isn't going to come right out and say my album sucks, When he says he has a good album, he means it!".Then the album comes out, it sucks, but the blind sheep pretends to like it. Psychologically, they know it sucks. But they fit in with the Juggalos now, they can't say this sucks, they won't be a "real" juggalos.
This is how "juggalos" have been for the last 4-5 years. I used to consider myself a juggalo before all the Juggalo Family shit started. Since then I've disowned the Juggalo tag, but I haven't changed. I still judge the music the same way now has I did then. If it's good I'll like it, if it sucks I won't.
I recommend any of you with Yahoo Messanger, click the chat button, then go to music, go to user rooms, and look for title with juggalo in it. juggalo/lette paradise, JUGGALOS/LETTES ONLY NO HATERS. That's another big word with these people. If you dislike anything about anyone associated with ICP, Like Eminem, or don't repeat everything they say you are a hater. If you all want to see people who have lost all will to live, and cling on to everything a band says, check these people out. If your like me and take pleasure in pathetic stupid people congragating, check the chats out. You'll get a good laugh.